To coincide with the upcoming launch of our new i candy book ‘Who said kiwi’s can’t fly’, we thought it would be a great opportunity to get some kids’ reactions.
We visited Bayfield Primary School in Auckland, where Lisa read the the book about Herb’s adventures to all of the Year 1 children!
It was so much fun and everyone seemed to love it!
The children’s general knowledge was quite impressive as well! There seemed to be a certain theme in one of the groups, where the children liked the page about ‘farts’ and ‘poop dog’ the best!
The great thing about this book is that it can appeal to children of all ages. For the very little ones, just spotting ‘Lola the Ladybird’ on each page is a challenge. For the 5-6 year olds this book plants the seed of persistence and passion and encourages youngsters to ‘Dream big’.
This story stimulated some great debate about what the kids wanted to be when they grew up… from mermaids to going into space.
We then asked all of the children to draw a kiwi and it was so wonderful to see all of the unique kiwi birds that were drawn.
We picked a name randomly from each of the 3 classes and a ‘Who said kiwis can’t fly’ children’s book was given away to each winner. Lincoln (pictured) was delighted to be the winner of his group!